Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

UFS and Orions battle again on Al Raqis/USD changes stance..

Splintered Rock, Al Raqis,

The conflict between the UFS and the Orions continues. On Friday, the UFS launched an attack on a Mining platform above Splintered Rock, alongside heavy street fighting in the town. After a pitched 2 hour battle, the Orions lost their mining platform for 7 UFS Fighters shot down. Experts say that this was a crippling defeat for the Orions and that it seems that things are not turning to the favor of the UFS.

Shortly after the battle, a indecent between the USD and the Mydrion Order put a strain to the relations between the 2 factions. According to official reports, the Mydrions attacked a USM Soldier that was out on patrol with his officer. The attack happened, when the USM Trooper hurried to the crash side of the UFS Fighters to give them medical aid.

After dispatching several attackers, he managed to take cove in a nearby cave system where he was later extracted from and bought into the medical facilities. For his heroic actions, the High Command is currently considering to award him with the "Lighting Star" medal for heroic actions during the crisis.

As of now, the Military Leadership has pressed the High Council to finally take actions and step out of the neutrality, which would result in a full involvement of the USD in the ongoing conflict on Al Raqis.

How these actions will look like, is currently unknown, but one thing seems to be clear: the time of neutrality is over.

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