Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Contact to Samnium Space Station lost/Spreading rumros of Attack by unkown force

Acriborea, Ruvivier System,

A few days ago, all contact to the Samnium Space Station was lost and all attempts to locate the station and call it have failed. What the cause of this is, is currently unknown. The Galactic Council has yet to make an official statement regarding the communications breakdown with the Station.

Samnium, a planet in the outer rim territories is know to be the only source of Elerium-115, a radioactive material that is used for the new generation of fusion reactors that have a much higher energy output then current models. The planet is mostly water and the orbital station was sued as a hub for commerce and trade while the mining was done by automated platforms on the surface and under water.

There have been rumors of Pirate Activity near the station but these rumors have yet to be confirmed. Other rumors say that it where a unknown alien force. This current incident seems to mirror the legendary incident at the Acturus station 15 years ago that would lead to the first Kafer War.

"The parallels are there, without doubts. It is possible that the Kafers are back, just like we all predicted it would happen sooner or later." say Gen. Joachim Schroeder of the 1st Colonial Marine Division.

"The destruction of the station would be only the first step towards a full invasion of the whole sector. If its not them, then some other foreign powers that are interested in taking the planet for themselves, the Elerium-115 would make it worth it to blow up the station and go to war to some" he adds.

There were currently a estimated 50 to 100 persons on the station when the contact broke up among them the renowned Xenobilogist Doctor Thomas Issac from the Sagan Research Institute, who was there to study the local alien life. Doctor Issac is know for his recent studies at the Al Raqian Sandworm and was the mind and host of the recent educational net show hit "Life among the Stars".

The Galactic council has now launched a investigation in this matter that will hopefully result in some answers to the pressing concerns the families and friends of the station crew have. The USD has assured its assistance in this case and hopes that together the whole incident can be cleared up.

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