Dienstag, 7. September 2010

United Terran Federation develops new terrifying weapon.

Bludhaven, New Terra,

In a stunning public revelation, the United Terran Federation (UTF) unveiled its new weapon system, called "The Q-Bomb" a Quantum accelerator weapon that makes it possible to unleash great amounts of destructive energy at once. The weapon is to be rumored to be able to destroy complete planets.


Should that be correct, then this would be the most destructive weapon that has ever been build. A UTF spokesman said that this new weapon was build for deterrence only. Critics say that this weapon could shift the power in the galaxy gradually and may create another arms race to build equal or even more powerful weapons.

"I am very concerned about this, we always feared that at some point mankind would be able to build a weapon that can destroy whole planets at once." said Brian Wilkis, head of the political research group at the Sagan Institute. "If this weapon falls into wrong hands it could be devastating."

Military experts are worried as well "In the past, the only thing you could do was use orbital nuclear strikes to wipe out all life on a planet, now you can completely obliterate the planet and blow it into fragments, you could easily smash a gap into any defensive measures if you simply blow up the planet the forces are on. There are not many ways to protect yourself against an attack with a weapon like this." said Major General William Xavier, current chief of the Planetary Defense Force.

Even within the UTF, the weapon is controversial discussed, even if propaganda is brushing it away as usual as this News Footage shows:

If the weapon was tested yet, is currently unknown, as much as it is unknown how many Q-bombs exist and how many of these weapons will be produced and deployed. "We can only hope that this insanity can be stopped, before we destroy ourselves" says Vicki Lance, a peace activist wanting a ban on all Weapons of Mass Destruction and a gradual reduction of the militaries of all factions involved.

The Ekaterinian Hegemony has already accounted, that it will develop its own weapons like the q-bomb and that it will not tolerate any interference in this goal. A expansion of the fleet was also accounted as well as increasing the intake of conscripts, reinforcing the fears for a arms race that might lead to a clash between any of the factions involved.


At this moment, there is no official statement from the High Council about this matter but it its awaited eagerly by all.

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