Donnerstag, 16. September 2010

Congress meeting postponed after turmoil.

Nauri Prime

In the recent days, one Congress meeting hunted the next, after the United Terran Federation unveiled its new Superweapon. Yesterday marked the first time in the History of the Directorate that a Congress meeting had to be postponed due to turmoil. The new Defense Bill, that the High Council presented to the Congress, had been heavily debated the last couple of days, while heated, it never reached yesterdays level of intensity, when Congressman Jim Nakamura from the United Power League called the everyone that is against this bill "spineless, headless, pinko-hippy bunch of cowardly traitors."

Members of several parties, among them the PPC (Party of Progressive citizens), Traders Union, The Progressive Federalists among others who had stated that the bill would give the military too much power, started shouting back at Nakamura. Others left the meeting altogether, making it impossible to go on with the meeting. One Congressman, Trent Easton from the Centerpoint Party, approached Nakamura while on the podium and started an argument with him, wildly gesturing, to retract and apologize for what he said.

The turmoil reached its height, when members of both parties ran to the podium, wildly arguing with each other. While it did not came to physical attacks, the security had to separate the group and escort them outside.

"I am a membe of this Congress for 30 years and I have never seen anything like this. We all reperent the people of this Nation and we should know better then to throw child like fits at each other." said Kreg Corilla from the Union for Advancement.

The next meeting will be held on Monday.

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