Montag, 19. April 2010

Director and Head of JN Corp arrested.


Officials of the CI5 reported today that the director and Head of the JN Corporation, Jonathan Rayback was arrested today on charges of illegal arms trafficking, funding of a terrorist organization, conspiracy against the state, illegal waste disposal and corruption. The arrest followed after a 2 year long investigation by the CI5 and local police authorities in which a network of 20 people was uncovered that where engaged in various illegal activities. "We crushed a powerful Syndicate today that has put the lives of many people in danger." said Major Heideger, director of the CI5. 


Jonathan Rayback


Rayback became head of the JN Corp. 10 years ago and quickly rose to one of the financial successful companies in the USD controlled Sector. JN Corp is the head company of one of the most powerful Consortium's in this sector, having companies like Militech, Cybertech and others under its umbrella. 

Rayback´s arrest is only part of a coordinated strike, with him at least 25 other people where arrested, among them several close associates of him.  


"We have collected enough evidence against them to jail them for a long time. They planned to destabilize this whole sector so they could benefit from the arms sales. They even planned to trigger revolts on planets far away from our space so our forces would have been busy fighting wars aboard." said District Attorney Jennifer Paxton.

Apparently the tentacles of this Consortium reached as far as the planet Al Raqis and it seems that the shuttle crash last week might be connected to this case. The next weeks and moths will shed more light into this mystery and hopefully this swamp of corruption and crime can be dried up very fast.  

Grack Braff,

GGN News. 

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