Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

USD and Myrmidons sign Peace Treaty.

Al Raqis,

After long and bitter fighting and brutal armed clashes between the USM Forces and the Myrmidons, the war official came to an end yesterday with the signing of the Peace Treaty on Saturday. Last Monday, the USD and Myrmidons agreed to a ceasefire and started extensive peace talks that resulted in a Peace Treaty both sides agreed on.

This marks the end of a brutal war that has ravaged Al Raqis for some time now and marks a new chapter in the relations between the 2 powers. The Myrmidons have already reduced their military presences on Al Raqis and removed the blockage of the planet. The USM is going to follow suit.

These where the steps that are necessary to ensure peace on Al Raqis.

We all can hope that this peace will last.