Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011

Myrmidon Attack: A Report from The Constable's Office

My Fellow Offworlders,

Yesterday a large fleet of ships entered the Mu Draconis system. We now know that these ship belong to The Myrmidon Order who intended to forcefully establish a base of operations on the planet of Al Raqis. Fortunately, messages concerning the intent of said fleet were received and those space craft which were able to put up resistance as the Myrmidons entered orbit, did so. It is due to the sacrifice of these crews that the Myrmidon Order were unable to land their full invasion force.

The Myrmidons did however, mange to land an assault group at Al Raqis North Lowport, the area known to many of you as 'Splintered Rock'. They no doubt have numerous reasons for assaulting this area. The Lowport provides a perfect staging area for landing an invasion force, it is also close to the spice refining facilities. However, it seems on this occasion their main target was the newly reconstructed outpost of The Federation forces. This felt the full force of the Myrmidon assault and was badly damaged. Were it not for the intervention of the United Systems Directorate from their nearby base I'm afraid to say the Federation Outpost may well have been completley in Myrmidon hands.

Forces of The United Systems Directorate were able to push back the Myrmidon assault and drive them from the Lowport area. The Myrmidon assault force retreated to the desert and remains at large. All citizens should be vigilent. Of the utmost concern is that regular offworld spice shipments have been halted by these events. I am appealing to any Merchant Ship Captain with a vessel landed at Al Raqis North Lowport to contact me. Special Licenses to carry spice will be issued to any captain brave enough to run the Myrmidon orbital blockade. Spice must be delivered to the Universe!

Long Live Emperor Palpatino!

Constable Werribee